The Kingdom Practicum

John and Kathie Pederson


Serving on the FS2G Initiative (From Scattered to Gathered), John and Kathie are the Project Leaders for the Kingdom Practicum.

  () is a 6-month intensive cross-cultural training program focused on movements among the least-reached in North America and beyond.  Led by experts who are also practitioners, the Kingdom Practicum is strategically located in Minneapolis, MN.  Their mission is to equip and empower effective cross-cultural laborers to be set on a trajectory to become catalysts for movement among least-reached peoples both locally and globally.  Check out the Kingdom Practicum for future workers from your church to be trained for effective cross-cultural service!  Also, pray for John and Kathie as they serve as the site coordinators and serve on the Core Leadership Team.

John and Kathie Pederson, Missionary

Join John and Kathie: Engage many of the one million immigrants/refugees/internationals in the Twin Cities to introduce them to Jesus and teach them to make disciples who make disciples.