Trip Update

Felicity Llanos


Hey everyone!


Great news! My trip is tomorrow morning! Honestly, it feels unreal currently. I'm sure that it won't feel real until I've been there for about a month.

Thank you all so much for your support in the forms of prayers and monetary donations! I couldn't get to this moment without you all. 

As I'm sure you could guess, I've been crazy busy packing and getting ready for my trip. Despite this, the people around me have been so loving and supportive. I had the blessing of being able to be prayed over by my church, and then later by my family. Thank you all so much for everything!

This incredible opportunity is all thanks to God, our savior. We must always give Him the glory. 

As for continued support, I'm fully funded, so the best way to support the ministry God will be doing in this trip is by praying for all involved! Thank you all so much, again! If all goes according to plan, the next update I write, I'll be in Japan! 



Felicity Llanos, Missionary

Help support Felicity Llanos as she goes to Japan to serve and spread the gospel.