Teach to Reach Free Seminar

Ashraf & Nivin I.


What is Teach to Reach? Teach to Reach is a free seminar that prepares believers for effective interaction with people of Muslim faith. Consider these facts:

  • The Muslim population in the US is growing.
  • Jesus loves Muslims, we need to love them, and we need to reach them. Jesus’ Great Commission, “to all the nations,” includes people of Muslim faith.
  • Muslims in the US are not threatening us. They are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, students … living life very much like you.

Who is Teach to Reach for? Your church, your children, your grandchildren, you! This free seminar is appropriate for high school students, college students, and adults who have trusted Jesus as Savior.

Why do I need Teach to Reach? Picture these scenarios: 

  • Your child or grandchild comes to you for advice because, “A Muslim asked me questions about the Trinity, but I did not know how to answer!” 
  • A believer in your church asks, “What should I tell a Muslim who is willing to talk, but does not accept the Bible as a trustworthy resource and believes it is corrupted?” 
  • As you talk with a Muslim, you wonder, “How can I explain the incarnation of Jesus in a way that a Muslim can understand?”

Do you feel equipped to answer these questions? Do you feel comfortable building a friendship with a Muslim? My Teach to Reach seminar will equip you!


How is Teach to Reach unique?

  • I am from an Arab culture, so I understand how Muslim people understand faith and God.
  • For more than 30 years, I have ministered to people of Muslim faith.
  • God has given me an easy-to-understand, effective way of helping believers engage Muslims with clarity and without fear.
  • I taught this information in a Bible college for 10 years.
  • My heart’s passion is to help you—and those you love—reach Muslims who are within your sphere of influence.

 Where is Teach to Reach presented? 

  • I teach this seminar in churches across the US. 
  • I will come to your church or group. Please contact me to schedule a seminar.

Ashraf & Nivin I. , Missionary

Partner with Ashraf and Nivin to reach Arabs in the Middle East and beyond, help refugees and the persecuted church, and equip others as they minister to Arabs.