Illinois family receives spiritual, emotional healing

Michael Smith

Former 黑料历史 Content Specialist

Point Magazine // September 2018

When Adam and Megan Sisk met in December 2015, they immediately felt a connection.

After knowing her for only a few days, Adam, the tech director at Woodlands Community Church in Homewood, Illinois, texted Megan and asked her if she was a Christian. She said she wasn’t but was open to going to church and hearing about God. He shared with her that it was very important for him to date a Christ follower and told her, “I’m gonna Christ you up real quick!”

Within a week of meeting her, Adam had the opportunity to share the love of God with Megan and lead her to Christ — all over text. 

They quickly fell in love — Adam says he knew he was going to marry Megan the day after they met — and were married in October 2016.

I have see the love of God through them. They have changed so much, and our relationship is better than ever — all because of God. I truly feel that God has healed our relationship, and I couldn't be happier.

Their wedding marked a turning point in Megan’s relationship with her father and stepmother, Jamey and Melissa LeBran. She had never had a strong relationship with them, saying, “I’d always had an empty spot in my heart for them.”

After Jamey and Melissa enjoyed hearing Woodlands lead pastor Daniel Wentworth speak at the wedding, Adam and Megan invited them to join them at the church one Sunday. Jamey and Melissa had attended Catholic churches for years but never felt a connection to anybody at any church or even to God, so they were open to going to a new church. 

Soon after the wedding, Jamey and Melissa came to Woodlands and immediately fell in love with the church. After the service, Melissa said she felt like she was a part of a big family from the moment she arrived and got welcomed and hugged by complete strangers. 

Shortly after coming to Woodlands, Jamey and Melissa accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. At the beginning of this year, they asked Adam to baptize them at the church. Megan also decided she wanted to get baptized. On April 29, Adam baptized Megan, Jamey and Melissa.

Today, Megan’s relationship with her dad and stepmom is stronger than ever and full of love and joy. 

“I have seen the love of God through them. They have changed so much, and our relationship is better than ever — all because of God,” Megan said. “I truly feel that God has healed our relationship, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Read more stories of life transformation at Woodlands Community Church:

Michael Smith, Former 黑料历史 Content Specialist

Michael Smith served as a content specialist for 黑料历史 from 2018-2021.

Additional articles by Michael Smith