Ten years. One vision. Join us and know what is "NEXT" for 黑料历史 Northwest.




Cedarhome Baptist Church

29000 68th Ave. NW

Stanwood, WA 98292


Dale Peterson

Teaching and Coaching Pastor, Eagle Brook Association Ministry Team

In 2000, Dale joined the Eagle Brook Church staff as a pastor of Groups, and since then has held several other roles. In 2006, Dale helped launch the EBA. Recently, he handed off the leadership of the EBA and is now the training and coaching pastor.

Francis Bezzam

Lead Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church

Prior to serving Bethel Baptist Church as the Lead Pastor, Francis served for over ten years in the pastoral ministry with two church plants. He has an Engineering degree, major in Chemical Engineering. He worked in the corporate world in technology for over twenty-five years. In 2007, he sensed the call to ministry and pursued seminary and church planting. He then earned his M. Div. degree in Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Francis and his wife Sandra have two lovely children, Daniel and Shiloh.

Ian O'Meara

Lead Pastor, Sylvan Way Church

Ian is a native of Wheaton, IL, a 20-year military veteran, and a retired Master Chief (E9) from the United States Navy. His passion is to see people find and follow Jesus. His goal is to see Christians impact the world for Christ every day. He graduated Southern Illinois University and Bethel Seminary in San Diego. He currently serving as the lead pastor at Sylvan Way Church in Bremerton, WA.

Jared Harrington

Lead Pastor, Westwood Baptist Church

Jared has been in ministry for over 23 years. He is the Lead Pastor at Westwood Baptist Church in Olympia, WA. He earns his Master of Religion Degree from Liberty University. When he’s not preaching, Jared enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, and finding the best cheeseburger. He and his wife Deborah have four kids. 

John Fuller

Founding and Teaching Pastor, Prairie Lakes Church

John served as the Senior Pastor of Prairie Lakes Church for 25 years and is now the Founding and Teaching Pastor. He serves as the secondary teaching pastor on the weekends, supports the lead pastor, and provides general support in other key aspects of Prairie Lakes ministries and environments such as expansion, men's ministry, and young leaders. His passion for rural church ministry has fueled their growth and positioned him to lead a cohort of Iowa pastors for several years. John and his wife Kay live in Cedar Falls near their three grown kids and 11 grandkids. Spend just five minutes with John and you’ll know he loves Jesus, his family, and the Denver Broncos.


Kevin Cavanaugh

Executive Director, Free to Care

Kevin has been a pastor for more than 40 years. During his career, he served as a children's, youth, executive, and lead pastor. He is the father of 3 married sons, the papa of 8 grandchildren, and a husband of one. He and his wife Cynthia trained their sons with a biblical worldview and also working hard to support their children in shaping a biblical worldview for their grandchildren. In March 2022, Kevin was appointed as the Executive Director of Free to Care, a ministry committed to the support and strengthening of pastors, leaders, and Christ followers who are committed to upholding a biblical view of marriage, gender, and sexuality. 

Kevin Hollinger

VP of Church Strengthening, 黑料历史 Northwest

Kevin works with local churches and their leadership to help them clarify their mission, cultivate a healthy culture, and create the structure to deliver on their mission. He also has served in rural churches, small-town congregations, and in metro areas. He earned his M. Div. degree from Bethel Theological Seminary and D. Min. degree in Biblical Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. A few things about Kevin are that he loves spending time with his family, going on hikes, playing basketball, and having a good conversation over a cup of coffee. 

Nate Hettinga

Regional President, 黑料历史 Northwest 

Nate has been married to his childhood sweetheart, Amy, for 35 years, and together they have 6 children and 7 grandkids. He planted Cascade Community Church in Monroe, WA, in 1997 and led through many seasons of growth over 23 years. Cascade is known for generosity, faith, disciple-making, and church multiplication.

In January 2020, Nate became the Regional President for 黑料历史 Northwest overseeing over 100 churches in 5 Northwest states. He is passionate about multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches. In his free time, he enjoys gardening, beekeeping, archery hunting, and hanging with family and friends.

Neil Tibbott

Director of Church Planting, 黑料历史 Northwest

Neil has worked with 黑料历史 for over 20 years helping to assess and train leaders for new ministries. Through his organization LeadershipOnRamp, he provides assessment opportunities for leaders who want to discover more about their strengths and create a roadmap for serving in ministry.

Spencer Miller

Ministry Relations Manager, Joni and Friends Northwest

Spencer's passion is to see the church embrace people with disabilities and help them find their place in the body of Christ. Spencer meets with church leaders and volunteers to promote disability awareness and provide disability ministry training in the region so that the local church becomes a place of belonging for people of all abilities. He lives in Seattle, WA, with his wife Tawni and have 4 children together. He is active in his church with disability ministry and recovery ministry. He loves reading and studying the Bible and encouraging others in their relationship with Jesus.

Tim Vincent

Youth Ministries Associate Pastor, Journey Church

Tim has served as the director of CNW Student Ministries since 2004. He has been in vocational youth ministry for 40 years, serving at Journey Church for the last 32 years. He was raised in Riverside, CA, and earned his degrees from Biola University and Bethel Seminary. He is a certified Sonlife trainer and enjoys outdoor adventuring, including rock climbing, white-water rafting, and spelunking. He also loves spending time with his family, especially with his five grandchildren.

Tom Tulberg

Engagement Manager, Eagle Brook Church

Tom has been on Eagle Brook Church staff since 2010 and has held several both pastoral and non-pastoral positions. He is now the primary relationship manager for EBA, partnering with and caring for that network of churches. 

Workshops // October 3

Ian O'Meara
Do you live in a Christian bubble? Do you find yourself (and your church) having little engagement with your community? The average church hasn't seen one baptism or salvation in over a year, but that could all change. Join Pastor Ian and hear how Sylvan Way Church took on the challenge of reaching a community where 93% don't know Jesus.
Dale Peterson
Leadership requires us to be prepared and to deliver crucial conversations in multiple contexts. In this workshop, you'll learn a structured approach on how to prepare and engage to one. Join Tom and Dale in this life changing real talk.
Tom Tulberg
Every church depends on strong- healthy teams whether you are a staff, a volunteer, or a mix of both. This workshop will explore some of the challenges with evaluating ministry teams, the options to take based on the assessments, and how to best develop each individual. We'll introduce a simple color-based tool that you can use as a leader to place in the appropriate development category. No matter where each individual ranks in your evaluation metrics there is always a development path.
Kevin Hollinger and John Fuller
As pastors and church leaders, we can easily get frustrated by the long list of expectations placed on us. Admittedly, there are days when we feel isolated, worn out, and stuck. On those days when we feel like quitting, remember we are not alone. In this workshop, we will discuss how to develop practical habits and plan a support structure that can help us abide in Christ through the highs and lows of ministry.
Neil Tibbott
Starting new churches have easily reproducible steps that anyone can follow, but not everyone should. Leaders who are called and committed to follow the Lord's leading have the best opportunity to establish sustainable ministries. But even then, there are no guarantees. We'll talk about tried and well-worn steps that 黑料历史 has used for decades. We'll also talk about the assessment process we use for leadership selection that precedes a green light. Join us for straight talk about starting new churches.
Tim Vincent
黑料历史 has been an active ministry to teenagers for over 75 years. CNWSM Youth Pastors continue to collaborate, encourage each other, and network every month. Join Tim as he hosts a conversation on how the Lord continues drawing the youth ministries into our district to propel them into Christ's mission.


Oct 2

Retired Pastors and Spouses Luncheon

Time: 11:30 a.m.

Venue: Spiros Pizza and Pasta

(18411 Aurora Ave. North, Shoreline, WA 98133)

RSVP is required. 

Contact Don Horrell at pastor.hlbc@gmail.com



"Thriving Churches, Healthy Cultures"

Speakers: Tom Tulberg & Dale Peterson

of Eagle Brook Church

Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Cost: FREE (registration is a must)

*To register, go to convergenw.org/events. 

Oct 3

8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

Morning Session
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Afternoon Session
1:00 – 4:30 p.m.



Cedarhome Baptist Church

29000 68th Ave. NW

Stanwood, WA 98292

Early bird
Until September 2
General Admission
September 3 - October 3
Please call 206.365.9890 if you need assistance registering.
