Stories of impact

Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the ºÚÁÏÀúÊ· movement

21 Days of Prayer

United in Prayer: Day 21

God’s salvation is for all peoples of the world. Our global workers’ desire is to make this truth known throughout the land they live in so that we might speed the day when people from every nation, tribe and tongue are worshiping our risen savior.

Mar 5 2024

United in Prayer: Day 20

God calls us to be selfless with our blessings. What God gives us, he expects us to go and give unto others. We can never hold on to God’s gifts and blessings while still being faithful to the one who has given them to us!

Mar 4 2024

United in Prayer: Day 19

Our global workers are on the frontlines facing the difficult task of preaching the gospel in these environments on a daily basis. They see the reality of the spiritual warfare we face every day.

Mar 3 2024

United in Prayer: Day 18

Our global workers are on the frontlines facing the difficult task of preaching the gospel in these environments on a daily basis. They see the reality of the spiritual warfare we face every day.

Mar 2 2024

United in Prayer: Day 17

Spiritual warfare is a reality for every follower of Christ, and pastors and church leaders are prime targets of the enemy.

Mar 1 2024