Worship Arts Director
About Brandywine Valley Baptist Church
CHURCH DESCRIPTION: Brandywine Valley Baptist Church is a “lighthouse” to their neighbors in Wilmington and the greater Brandywine Valley. As such, they emphasize missional living and constantly strive to build gospel partnerships in the city. The church takes seriously its mission to introduce people to Jesus Christ and help them follow him. This congregation has a reputation for being a place that is warm, welcoming, and family-friendly. Those who visit here find it easy to get connected in close-knit relationships if they want to be. So many have had this experience at Brandywine that they are known in the community as the place to go for kids and families. Before COVID-19, the church averaged around 800 adults in worship, with an additional 300-400 kids, making their typical weekend attendance 1100-1200 people.
The worship experiences at Brandywine Valley include a modern and a traditional expression, both with a Bible-based message. A worship leader and band lead the modern service featuring modern worship songs and contemporary hymns. In contrast, a worship choir or one of several ensembles leads the traditional experience featuring hymns and anthems. They’ve recently invested heavily in upgrading technology to enhance both the live and online experience.
Job description
POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Worship Ministry at Brandywine Valley Baptist is healthy with a committed core of volunteers. The new Worship Arts Director will build upon this foundation and have a voice to speak in the future direction. Priority of attention and resources will go toward the modern expression in the future and the Worship Arts Director should focus the majority of his/her personal time toward this service. Administrative details and platform leadership of the traditional service will pass to a Traditional Worship Assistant under the oversight of the Worship Arts Director.
The Worship Arts Director will oversee the Worship Arts Ministry, including all musicians and media teams. This person should be highly relational and have a natural bent toward recruiting and reproducing leaders, then sharing responsibility with them. Musically, the Worship Arts Director should have significant platform skill and vocal ability and lead with confidence, charisma, and authenticity. The successful candidate will be comfortable and conversant with both instrumentalists and vocalists. This person should be Gospel-centered with a pioneering spirit excited about building and developing a vision and culture of worship. Brandywine is poised to reinvent its musical culture while building upon a solid foundation.