This mission trip holds profound significance for me, as I am eager to create a lasting positive impact on the lives I encounter. My name is Rebecca Par, and I am embarking on a missionary journey to the vibrant and culturally rich country of Thailand. My mission involves serving in various areas of need while sharing the transformative message of the gospel through both my actions and God’s boundless love. One of the experiences I eagerly anticipate is building meaningful relationships with Thai students through engaging and evangelistic English classes at Santisuk English School in the bustling heart of Bangkok. In these classes, I will have the joy of inviting students to join cell groups, uplifting worship services, and various outreach events designed to help them encounter Christ. This is not merely about teaching English; it is about offering these students a unique and precious opportunity to hear about Jesus, often for the very first time in their lives. Each interaction will hold the potential to spark hope and faith in their hearts, and I am excited to be a part of this transformative journey.
Thailand //
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