The power of saying ‘yes’ to God
Great Sea Initiative leader
- Missions
What’s the difference between sharing the gospel 28,609 times and sharing it zero times? It may surprise you to learn that it’s just one person saying “yes” to God.
ʷ’s Great Sea Port Project leader uses her summers to share the gospel and distribute gospel materials to North Africans traveling from Europe to North Africa.
In summer 2017 one port city went without a leader. With no one to plan, pray and prepare, the port saw tens of thousands of people pass through into North Africa without being offered the good news of Jesus Christ. But in 2018 our ʷ worker stepped up and handed out New Testaments, copies of Josh McDowell’s More Than a Carpenter book, USB flash drives and more — 28,609 gospel materials altogether.
We were able to host a missions team from the Middle East. This is especially exciting since it decreases the language barriers and provides the potential for deeper conversation. Here is a story from one of these teams:
“One night, I was out sharing with another team member alongside the beach when we spotted a young man. We approached him and started talking to him. He told us that he doesn’t consider himself Muslim, and that he’s been reading the Torah.
“Another member of our team shared part of her testimony with him, how she found God’s love in Jesus, and eventually shared the full gospel with him. This man prayed to receive Christ with the young woman with tears in both their eyes.
“He said, ‘I followed Islam for 13 years and nothing changed in my life. Now, in just one minute, my whole life was changed. There are so many songs in my heart right now!’ He is now part of a weekly Bible study [and was baptized in November].
“When we say ‘yes’ to God we put ourselves in a position to be used more powerfully than we can imagine.”
Read more and have an opportunity to give to the . Contact our project leader to learn how to serve on a short-term team in this ministry.
This project is part of ʷ’s to reach Muslims all across the Mediterranean Region with the gospel.
Jeff, Great Sea Initiative leader
Jeff is the leader of ʷ's Great Sea Initiative, which is starting and strengthening churches among the 300 million Muslims living in the Mediterranean Region. We are asking God for a gospel movement among Muslims in each of the 21 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
Additional articles by Jeff